Iva Spasojevic and Natasa Jovanovic present atlas during EU-debate

During the debate ‘The state of Europe‘ in Dom Omladine the images for the ‘Subjective atlas of Serbia’ were presented as a visual contribution to the discussion. During the intermezzo the atlas was explained. Natasa Jovanovic (who prepared the power point presentation) and Iva Spasojevic presented their individual works for the atlas. The bounded bird of Iva resulted in a discussion about stimulating easier and cheaper procedures for study- and work visas for non EU-citizens. 

Programmer of the debate Wilbur Perlot interviews Annelys de Vet, Natasa Jovanovic and Iva Spasojevic. The debate panel consists of Dutch politician Luuk Blom, American foreign relations expert John Hulsman, co-host Jugoslav Cosic, former editor in chief of Politica Ljiljana Smajlovic and former minister of Foreign Affairs of Serbia Goran Svilanovic. Photo’s by Ivar Hoekstra. 

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